First Show...

North American Scum is a brand new Edge Radio show focusing on the latest and greatest indie and underground music to come out of Canada and the USA. Lock it in your diary 7pm until 8. Thursday 4th of June and every Thursday thereonin. Which isn't a word. Will be playing some brand new Grizzly Bear, Japandroids, Sunset Rubdown, The Field, Clues and anything else that comes out that's good before then... Segments will include: SELECT SCUM - A blast from the past, moments in North American music history that has defined or created a genre. SCUM SKETCH - Band profile plus two tracks, this week - GRIZZLY BEAR THE SCUM SCOOP - North American Music News Tune in! I'll post the playlist after the show... Hugh xx


  1. Where's the playlist? I feel lied to.

  2. There hasn't been a show yet so that would be impossible.

    Tomorrow my friend, tomorrow.
